Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Final Correspondence with Bristol Zoo

I waited another week for the Zoo to get back to me and still no reply. This led to another awkward phone call, turns out they have received my application, but not had time to consider it. I somewhat desperately I explained time was an issue and I really needed to get my project sorted. The women assured me they would reply within the week, though most likely she was trying to stop me monopolising her phone line.

However another week has come and gone and, surprise surprise, still no word! So feeling like a complete nag I e-mailed the zoo one last time, stating that I really need to know before next Monday or will have to with draw my application.

The next day I finally received an answer! Unfortunately, though not too surprisingly, it was a no. Very disappointing! At least this painful drawn out correspondence has finally come to an end! Now on to plan B, or is it C, anyway once I've figured out the plan I'll let you know...

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