Tuesday, 1 May 2012

E-mail to Bristol Zoo

So on the 15th of march, (being the early bird and all), I sent Bristol Zoo a very long and detailed e-mail, asking for a work experience placement, and not too surprisingly they e-mailed back the next day with a very short reply...

On to plan B! I may not be able to do work experience but I can still volunteer! Looking on the website I found a few volunteer roles which sound pretty interesting, Children's craft volunteer role, Ranger volunteer and if worst comes to worst gardens volunteer.

I really like the sound of children's craft; "Spend your day being creative in our Activity Centre. It’s run by volunteers and attracts lots of young visitors, so you can get involved in face painting, badge making, brass rubbing, necklace making and other activities."- So basically being creative, friendly and enthusiastic, which I have pretty good practice at, having a younger brother.

But what sounds really good is the Rangers role, "We’re looking for confident people who enjoy talking to the public and are willing to learn lots about lemurs*, butterflies and lorikeets. You’ll be based in the Lemur Walkthrough*, Butterfly Forest or Feed the Lorikeets sections of our new Explorers’ Creek, where you’ll answer questions and make sure both visitors and animals are behaving themselves!" - Sounds good right! I'd love to talk to people about lemurs, though knowing my luck I'll probably be stuck in the Butterfly Forest, and lets be honest, who wants to go there! But I guess it would be better than the Lorikeets as I have no idea if they're even a mammal or reptile, so may be potentially problematic having to answer questions about a, for all I know, fictional animal! (Note self - research needed!)So before Easter I sent off my application form so hopefully should hear back relatively soon, fingers crossed!